Information on terms and conditions of employment

How Can We Help?

When you start a new job, you need to get information on terms and .conditions of work Your boss can point to specific job rules or guidelines for some things, but they have to clearly explain:

  • If you work at multiple sites, how you move between them.
  • Any big agreements that affect how you work. If such agreements are made by groups outside your workplace, you should know who these groups are.
  • If there’s no fixed way of doing things at work, bosses need to explain when and how you get paid, night shifts, and how you mark your time in or out and any reasons for not being at work.

Bosses can choose to explain everything in detail if they want. If anything about your working terms changes, like when you work, how often you’re paid, your time off, or any big agreement changes, your boss has to update this info. This update needs to be done soon, at most a month after the changes kick in. If any detail changes in your job info, it has to be updated promptly.

When you’re given info about your job, it has to tell you:

  • Your working hours.
  • Any rest times you’re allowed.
  • When you can take breaks.
  • Rules about extra work hours and how you’re paid for them.
  • If you work in shifts, how that works.
  • If you work in different places, how you move between them.
  • Any extra pay or benefits you get outside of your main pay.
  • How much paid time off you get, including yearly holidays.
  • How your job can end, including any steps for that and if you’d want to challenge dismissal.
  • Any training opportunities.
  • Any collective agreements that impact your job and what organisation is responsible for them.
  • If there’s no work regulations (regulamin pracy), details about pay times, night shifts, and how you track your time at work.

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