
The trade union movement in Poland has a long history and earned great appreciation and respect. At one time, the labor movement united the whole country in the struggle for better living conditions, which eventually made Poland an independent European state.

According to the latest data from the Central Statistical Office of Poland, the 12,500 thousand trade unions include about (!) 1.5 million people. That is, every 11th employee in Poland is a member of a trade union.

As a trade union, we oppose and systematically fight against such harmful practices of employers as:

unpaid overtime work, contract,

\ wages below the subsistence level, unpaid or partly unpaid internships.

Join our union and defend the rights of workers in Poland with us!

Remember that in the Republic of Poland you as an employee have the right to:

 → Fair and equal treatment

– appropriate pay for a particular job, regardless of your background.

 → Legal employment on the basis of:

 –  Employment contract (umowa o pracę) – for a definite or indefinite period, full or part time. This type of contract guarantees you the most rights, as it is governed by the Polish Labor Code:

 → Wages must be specified in your employment contract,

 → Safe sanitary and hygienic working conditions on the basis of the provisions of the Labor Code,

 → Sickness insurance (employee health insurance, sickness benefit, social insurance),

  → The State of Poland guarantees a minimum wage of PLN 3,010.00 per month before tax under the employment contract (umowa o pracę), ie PLN 2,364 after taxes (or USD 554.70).

– The average number of hours required to work under a full-time contract is 168 hours per month.

 → Annual paid leave is at least 20 days a year (valid only for employment contract).

 – subject to work under a mandate agreement (umowa zlecenia) – less stable, but more common in Poland form of employment, not protected by the Labor Code – hourly rate is not less than PLN 19.70 (ie PLN 14.47 after taxes, or USD 3.40).

Do you have any questions?

Write to us and our specialists will provide you with all the necessary information on employment in the Republic of Poland:

Email: pomoc@uhr.org.pl

Facebook: www.facebook.com/UnionsHelpRefugees

Telegram: https://t.me/cozzuhr

Website: https://uhr.org.pl

Ask a lawyer: https://uhr.org.pl/help

More useful information on employment in the Republic of Poland – at the link: https://www.pip.gov.pl/

Unions Help Refugees